Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh hi... It's been like 2-1/2 years?

Here's a little experiment: I've fallen into crappy habits again (being lazy, mostly; and eating poorly). I'm on spring break this week. Can I get to a point again where I'm not constantly worrying about several little things at any given time? I'd like to:

  • Make a dentist appointment. I haven't had a cleaning in... too long. I also need to get my wisdom teeth out.
  • Make a doctor's appointment! I've been waking up with a slightly bloody nose almost every morning. I probably need to get it cauterized again. There are a couple of other things I need to talk to my doctor about too.
  • Apply for more jobs! This isn't something I can explicitly finish, but the more companies I apply to, the better I'll feel about my chances of landing a job that will support my wife, son, and soon to be second child. Crossing my fingers for an entry-level actuary position.
  • I need to buy some stuff for Jackson (my son). It would be nice to have a fridge lock so that he's not constantly getting into the fridge. Also a new diaper trashcan, our current one is broken and stinky.
  • I really want a big blender or something. Since Aimee's pregnant, I'm not eating quite as well as I'd like, and Jackson simply doesn't eat well at all, I would love to have a way to make smoothies. That way, Aimee might be able to stomach more fruit and veggies, I'll have a convenient and quick way of downing more too, and we can actually sneak healthy food into Jackson's drink and pretend it's just juice!
  • Who knows if / when I'll be able to hike again, but there's a linear trail nearby that's be perfect for just jogging or walking or whatever. Considering how many times I haven't followed through with the couch-to-5K thing, I won't make any sort of huge goals, but it will be nice to get out and moving (and the weather is halfway decent too).
  • Along similar lines, I keep wanting to get a canvas bag and fill it with rocks or gravel.  The basic idea is that I can use it to do exercises which approximate going to the gym. While I might not be able to reap quite the same benefits, it's close enough where the money and time saved and the satisfaction of avoiding the gym (which I just dislike overall because I don't like being around people in those settings) more than make up for that.

    Idea came from this awesome book:

  • Study for actuarial exams. Something I've been really putting off. Which is stupid, since passing more exams means higher salary, typically.
  • ...and I suppose I should do my homework. Have to rewrite a case-study on econometric models that estimate the price of commercial buildings.
I guess we'll see what happens. The main problem is that, though I don't have to go to school, I'm at home all week with Jackson while Aimee works. Ironically, I actually have less time now, since at school I at least have breaks in between classes sometimes. I'll try to do some of these things today.

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