Monday, April 23, 2007


Our house in Derry is basically halfway up a huge hill. I've been biking since I had my bike tuned up, and it's been pretty brutal either way. I go way too fast going downhill, and it's tough to get back up, but it's definitely easy to get in shape this way. I was in decent shape at the end of last summer, since I rode like 45 minutes everyday, and I thought I had lost that, but I still feel all right when biking now.

The route I take right now doesn't take me too far away from home. It ends in a cul-de-sac (which is good, because I'm usually going like 30 when I hit it, giving me enough leeway to turn around), and there is a pond that I ride by that's frequented by huge geese. I don't know if they're pets or something though, because they look really fat. I'm not ready to go on the main road, people drive like fucking idiots. I don't think I ever will go on the main road.

There's a few bike paths that I'd like to explore too. The Audubon center might have some, and I know there's ones near Lake Massabesic.

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