Monday, June 25, 2007

Success of sorts

Last night I didn't sleep very well at all for one reason or another. I woke up at 5:00 this morning not able to fall asleep again, so I got up and played some FFVI. I felt tired again around 8:00, so I laid down to see if I could fall asleep. I don't remember at this point what I was thinking about, but quite a while into my thoughts, I realized that I had fallen asleep, which was a startling sensation. Like my previous lucid dreaming attempts , my heart started racing (though I don't consider this time an attempt, since I wasn't trying to LD), but I managed to calm down this time and stay asleep. It was very strangely easy to do this time.

A few seconds later, I thought I had opened my eyes, since everything in front of me was perfectly normal, the way it should be. I looked across the bed at my hands and started wiggling my fingers. My fingers started spazzing inhumanly fast and flew around the room. This also startled me and I almost woke up, but I again held on. When the imagery came back, it was all unbelievably crisp and super bright and awesome.

Knowing that I was finally truly lucid dreaming, I wanted to dive in and do all sorts of awesome things. My better judgment told me to take things slow though, since I had almost woken myself up twice by now (and it's not like I could wake myself up on purpose either; I couldn't feel my body at this point, or sense where I was physically, which was bizarre).

Anyway, I ended up like, looking at the wall and opening up a giant menu from the wall. It was pink but similar to the Wii menu. For some reason, I thought of animated gifs, and suddenly the entire pink menu was full of fucking INSANE gifs. Some of them had sound, and they were all pretty fucked up in one way or another. I kept telling my brain to give me weirder and weirder images until I just thought it was so ridiculous that I stopped.

Around this time, I thought I heard some noises in real life, and figured someone must be home. I didn't want to stop this awesome experiment, but it felt like an invisible hook was dragging me back to the surface, and I woke up.

In fact, this was one of the weirdest parts of the whole ordeal. Normally, when you're awake, you feel like "you" are your outer shell, since our senses are used for things that are happening all around us, and your subconscious is just kind of there, chugging along in the background. In this case, I felt like I was inside of my body, and my "outer" body was a separate entity urging me to wake up. Bizarre indeed.

Ah, I also am realizing that I never fixed that rock climbing update. I'll do that later today.


kate said...


Anonymous said...

ahh holy crap!!! thats sweet